Saturday, June 18

Niche Market Finder

Image representing eBay as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseOne of eBay's new tools that can really help you find the best products to sell on eBay is the Niche Market Finder. According to eBay you should visit the Niche Market Finder:
Visit Niche Market Finder to uncover little known and most wanted items on eBay

Identify new products you could sell
Find out about hidden treasures in your garage
Discover interesting products and good deals
I did a quick search using horse as my keyword and left all the other options alone. The Niche Market Finder was able to give me a listing of related products that have sold recently on eBay. The information provided is:
Timer Period:2 wks average
Max Price$22.1
Average Price$22.1
Demand (#users)125
Quantity Available1
Quantity Sold1
Conversion Ratio100%

There is also a picture of the item listed as well. Overall a very useful tool. Thank you eBay.

Thursday, June 9

eBays New Instant Sale Site

Wow I wish I would have known about this site before my garage sale! If you are one of those people who always has to have the latest gadget then eBay's new electronics buying site may be your new best friend. The time and effort it takes to sell your used electronics on eBay or Craigslist typically does not make it very profitable. How nice is it to go to the Instant Sale Site and select a few options, see the price you are being offered and sell. Yes, you aren't going to get rich selling your used electronics this way but unless you are a neat nick with a lot of spare time, it beats the alternatives.

I will definitely be trying the site out the next time I have an old cell phone or gadget like my i Touch that has been replaced by the newest gadget I just had to buy. I definitely suggest checking out this site.