Wednesday, May 23

How to get repeat customers

It has been a crazy month. Selling has been going OK. I have been really busy with school and haven't been able to invest heavily in store promotion so sales haven't been spectacular but good enough for now. This summer I will be devoting myself to my business completely, except for the mom and spouse duties of course.

The issue I want to discuss this time is getting repeat customers. I have been using a program called My Store Rewards for a couple of months. It gives a rebate to buyers who buy from you using PayPal and then sends out bi-monthly emails to your prior customers who have opted in offering them a rebate for repeat purchases. You as the seller are in charge of the amount of the rebate offered in either percent or dollar value. I don't receive anything for referring them. I just think they have a neat program that is worth a look.

I hope you gain so value from this short but sweet blog. I am getting ready for Finals so I will now return to joy of college before my boys get home from school!

Until Next Time...