Saturday, February 20

Sell Your Stuff: A Free Online Guide to Selling on eBay

eBay Live 2005Image by TechShowNetwork via Flickr
Sell Your Stuff: A Free Online Guide to Selling on eBay by Jamie Jefferson

EBay is one of the most successful and versatile auction sites on the web. Whether you are simply cleaning out your attic or you are embarking on a new work at home career, here are a few things that eBay insiders already know:

1. Your eBay reputation is of major significance. Many bidders will consult feedback from your customers before placing bids, so you will want to acquire lots of positive feedback to maintain an excellent rating. This means being a courteous and conscientious seller.

2. Descriptions sell. Pictures are wonderful, but they may not show every detail. That is why accurate descriptions are important. Most buyers know that used items are not in perfect condition. Be sure to describe chips, scratches, holes or any other defects. If you do happen to be selling collectible items, such as baseball cards or beanie babies that you have kept packaged and in mint condition, mention that in the title or heading.

3. Photograph your items carefully. When taking snapshots of your items, be sure there is plenty of light and clean or polish them first. Create a pleasant background and use a flash whenever possible. Dark, fuzzy, hazy pictures are boring and will not pull in the attention of the viewer. Many sellers post photographs taken from various angles showing the front, back and any markings, if they are selling highly desirable items such as collectible glassware.

4. Communicate well with potential buyers. Some potential buyers will write to ask questions about the article for sale. Be prepared, attentive and responsive. Do your research so that you will be able to answer their questions quickly. Remember, a minor detail to you may be very important to the buyer and may mean the difference between a successful sale and no sale at all.

5. Ship with care. When packaging delicate items, be sure to pad each one carefully using Styrofoam popcorn or bubble wrap, and plug any exposed areas using crumpled up newspaper. Glassware should be placed in boxes at least four inches apart and away from the sides, top and bottom to ensure safe delivery. Mark the outside of the carton "Fragile" and "Handle with Care."

6. Know the ins and outs of insurance. No matter how careful you are, there is always the possibility of breakage when shipping certain items, so it is a good idea to familiarize yourself beforehand with the claim process.

Getting serious about eBay

If you are serious about making money from your eBay selling, you will need to become adept at researching the eBay marketplace, especially before you decide which products you want to sell.

Here are some guidelines:

1. Search for the most popular categories. Look at the number of listings that exist under each category. Then look to see how many bids the products have.

2. Choose no more than one or two categories, especially when you are first starting out. When you are an expert in your niche, you build credibility and trust with your buyers.

3. Examine the ratings of the sellers who are listing products in each category. Read their profiles. See how many products they are currently selling and how many products they have sold in the past.

4. Analyze prices. Become an expert in your chosen category and know at which price a product is worth buying, as well as the expected final winning price of your auction.

Finding More Products to Sell

Here are a couple of additional considerations once you have exhausted your attic and need more products to sell.

1. Consider Dropshipping. Dropshippers will sell you products at wholesale and send them to the address that you specify. On these items, you will not need to carry an inventory yourself, which minimizes your investment. After the auction is complete, you simply send your dropshipper the address of the buyer.

If you decide to use a dropshipper, you need to make sure that the winning price is sufficiently higher than the wholesale price you pay for the items. At minimum, you should expect to double your costs.

It is also important to use care with companies that claim to be dropshippers. Do your research and work only with legitimate drop shippers, which are either the product manufacturers themselves or authorized wholesale distributors. If a prospective dropshipper asks you to place a minimum order or to pay a fee to set up your drop shipping account, consider it a red flag.

2. Buy from eBay. Many successful eBayers know how to buy at a good price on eBay and then sell the same products at a higher price. If you know your niche well, you can find opportunities that will allow you to buy and resell for a profit. Here again, research is essential.

3. Import Asiatic products. If you are willing to carry an inventory, you can invest in Asiatic products for a low price and resell for a profit. You can easily start importing Asiatic products from the Internet at

4. Sell local products. If you live in an area that produces local products that can be bought at a cheap price and then shipped to other areas, where people would pay more, you should take advantage of the situation. What kinds of unique local products do you find yourself taking for granted?

Jamie Jefferson is a frequent contributor to several popular websites, including,, and

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Wednesday, February 10

19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 4

Image representing eBay as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase

19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 4

Author: Ed Brancheau
As if you haven't already heard, millions upon millions of people of people buy and sell on eBay every single day. Some only make a few sales here and there. Others have figured out what it takes to become "Powersellers." Powersellers are the very small minority of eBay sellers that do at least $2,000 per month in sales on eBay and maintain a 99% positive feedback rating. Powersellers are the ones that really know what they're doing and if you really want to be successful on eBay then follow the secrets they revealed to me.

So, what are the secrets, tips and tricks that will cause you to become a Powerseller as well?

Well, I'll be completely honest with you... I may be well on my way but I'm not a Powerseller yet. However, one thing that I know from creating several successful businesses is that if you want to become the best at something, you need to copy those that are already successful, ask them to mentor you and ask questions and take notes. And now I am going to take what they taught me and pass it on to you.

This is part four of a four part article series. You will find links to the other parts of this article series at the end of this article.


Every single Powerseller that I interviewed offers some type of discount. It could be something like buy one and receive a second at 50% off. Or it could be that you offer free shipping on another purchase. Just make sure that you offer some type of discount and also keep in mind that "free" always works much better than anything else. For example, rather than say "Buy two and receive 50% off" say "Buy one get one free". "Free" is a trigger word that really hooks people.

Furthermore, I have found that for most items, that offering free shipping can actually make you more money than if you didn't. For example, a few years back, I wanted to find out if this was actually true. I had two whole rows at a concert and for the front row, I had people pay for the actual shipping costs which was like $9 to send them via FedEx 2-day delivery. A set of two tickets sold for about $400. The row in the back had free shipping and they sold for about $490 a set.

I made $81 more by offering free shipping. And it had to be the shipping because everything else about the auction was the same. In fact the better tickets made me less money. Now, I am sure that there are some exceptions to this rule (like maybe you are selling bulk items for $.01 and really making your profit off the handling) but I can't really think of many examples. In fact the only exception that I can think of is international shipping.

But my point is that "FREE Shipping" works because it is very noticeable on search pages. Remember that the word "free" is a trigger word that catches people's attention. The only other words that catch people's attention like "free" is "you" and "sex". Hey, I'm scared to think of what might happen if you put all these words in the same sentence!

Finally, with regards to the word "free", always include it in your title IN ALL CAPS by simply adding "FREE bonus". And then give your customers something for free. You can tell them what it is or not but always be sure to put a dollar value on it. For example, when I sell my information products, my bonus is a subscription to my email newsletter which I always give away for free but I put a value on it of $9.95 per month because I really believe that it's worth that much since I know that I always over deliver. So I always tell my buyers that they are going to get a "bonus worth almost $120 per year!"

But here's the key: it's doesn't really matter what the bonus is... all you are trying to do is get eBay users to click on your auction because you can't start selling your product to them until the open the listing! Remember this every time you create a new listing. Your first objective is to get them to click on the auction listing. Think of it this way, you can't sell to someone unless you get them in the store!


Every single Powerseller that I spoke with told me several stories about one little deal or something that they found for free that made them a ton of money. One of them told me about how he goes to swap meets and watches the buyers all day looking for one item that a bunch of them seem to be buying. He then buys one for himself and tracks down the manufacturer so that he can sell the product on eBay. This is an awesome idea because really what he is doing is market research by watching the buyers at the swap meet. In addition, this same Powerseller oftentimes buys a large quantity off a swap meet seller at a really low price right before the seller is about ready to leave for the weekend because would the seller rather make a little money or haul everything back?

Another Powerseller went to Africa for his honeymoon and while he was there he found some fabulous African headdresses. He struck up a deal with the maker and bought 500 of the headdresses at $2 a piece for $1,000 total. When he and his bride returned home, he sold the headdresses on eBay for about $75 a piece, made over $36,000 and got to write off his $10,000 honeymoon as a "business expense"! He did so well selling the headdresses that he decided to "take a business trip... tax deductible of course... back to Africa" and order 2000 more. Also, to share the wealth, he "gave the maker a raise" and paid $5 each without the maker even asking for it! I bet he was pretty happy. But here's the really funny thing... he got such ecstatic reviews for his previous buyers that the headdresses became much more in demand that his average sale increased to over $125! With these headdresses, he has made over $270,000!

So, keep your eyes open and snatch up those great deals. On thing to remember, if you see a bunch of people buying something, then you can be sure that you will be able to find others that will buy. At the county fair? Ask the popular vendors if they would like you to sell their products on eBay and split the profit. See a great deal at Wal-Mart for some killer product? Buy a bunch of them and sell them to people that don't live near a Wal-Mart or other discount store (and always list your items internationally because international buyers will often pay you more and even pay the shipping for certain items because many times that item is much more expensive in their country... even if it's made there!) Basically, make offers that you can profit from everywhere you go. Sure, you'll get dozens of "no's" but one "yes" can make you thousands of dollars.


Of course, you don't want to waste money on your business but I constantly see people that don't want to spend money on their business to make money. eBay, in particular, has some features that can make you more money when you use them and others that may not make a difference for your product.

For example, one of the biggest mistakes that sellers make on eBay is not spending $.35 to have the product's photo show up in the gallery. This is the biggest listing mistake! Gallery photos draw considerably more clicks and bids and yet do a search for a specific product and you will see that about 1/3 don't have gallery photos and always have lower highest bids. Without exception, all of my auctions have a gallery photo and are listed in bold as are just about every Powerseller listing.

And don't be afraid to invest in your business by purchasing things like auction software, a digital camera (especially now that you can get them for under $100), a postage system (I use Stamps at or a web authoring program like DreamWeaver. Definitely be sure to invest in a high-speed Internet connection like the ones below because they will save you an incredible amount of time and frustration.

Comcast High Speed Internet Cable -

Earthlink High Speed Internet DSL --

Qwest High Speed Internet DSL --

Verizon Online DSL --

Time Warner High Speed Internet --

Or my personal choice:

Time Warner Digital Cable High Speed Internet --

Just do some research and determine how it will make you more money before you buy anything.


As a personal coach, I recommend that people reinvest 10% of their income in their personal education so that they constant grow. And I suggest something similar for your business. Constantly read books about eBay and the Internet all of the time and you will grow year after year after year. Here are a few titles that I suggest to get started on eBay:

The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay by Jim Cockrum

eBay Cash Machine by Sebastian Foss

What to Sell on eBay and Where to Get It by Chris Malta

eBay Powerseller Secrets: Insider Tips from eBay's Most Successful Sellers by Debra & Peter Schepp

eBay Timesaving Techniques for Dummies by Marsha Collier

In addition to these titles above, the is one other great resource: EBAY!

Check out the following eBay pages:

Learning Center --

eBay University --

Security & Resolution Center --

Well, that's it! Armed with these secret eBay strategies, you too should be well on your way to making a very substantial income on eBay. However, should you wish to obtain even more information about how to make money on eBay and the rest of the Internet, please visit our eBay store for some fabulous informational products.

Unleash Life Success Coaching eBay Store

And be sure to check out the extremely powerful A2Z Web Building & Internet Marketing Platinum Package. It's over $1,500 worth of the best web building and Internet marketing books and programs in the world for less than $50. Check out our eBay rating and you will see that people love this package!

Finally, if you missed any of the four parts of this article, you can read the other three at the following addresses:
About the Author:
Discover several extremely powerful web building and internet marketing packages that uncover all of the secrets to making money with eBay, Google AdSense, affiliate programs and much more! We offer a 180-day, no hassle, satisfaction guarantee!
Article Source: - 19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 4
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Saturday, February 6

19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 3

EBayImage via Wikipedia

19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 3

Author: Ed Brancheau
As if you haven't already heard, millions upon millions of people of people buy and sell on eBay every single day. Some only make a few sales here and there. Others have figured out what it takes to become "Powersellers." Powersellers are the very small minority of eBay sellers that do at least $2,000 per month in sales on eBay and maintain a 99% positive feedback rating. Powersellers are the ones that really know what they're doing and if you really want to be successful on eBay then follow the secrets they revealed to me.

So, what are the secrets, tips and tricks that will cause you to become a Powerseller as well?

Well, I'll be completely honest with you... I may be well on my way but I'm not a Powerseller yet. However, one thing that I know from creating several successful businesses is that if you want to become the best at something, you need to copy those that are already successful, ask them to mentor you and ask questions and take notes. And now I am going to take what they taught me and pass it on to you.

This is part three of a four part article series. You will find links to the other parts of this article series at the end of this article.


Of course, we've all heard "the customer's always right!" On eBay it's even more true. Here's something odd that you probably don't know: when a customer tells other people that a company or product sucked, the people they told are 5 times more likely than the person that told them to not do business with that company or buy that product. Five times more likely than the person that actually bought the thing!

Now, on eBay it is even more important as a seller to make sure that you maintain a highly positive rating because every single potential customer can see the negative ratings left for you. In addition, for every 1% (for sellers that have a rating under 1000) you're your feedback is lowered, you will lose 11% in bids. That's why every Powerseller says that their rating is more important than money that they lose off one deal. Personally, I can tell you that I know that several bidders have purchased my information products and then asked for their money back even though I know that they are still using the product (FYI, there are certain tricks that you can use to make money off even those that rip you off.)

I also highly recommend that you subscribe to SquareTrade and register for the Better Business Bureau Online if you qualify. I'm sure that you are familiar with the BBB so let's talk about SquareTrade. SquareTrade has been working with eBay pretty much since eBay began and they are a certified eBay partner.

Basically, what they do is mediate disagreements with customers but, even more beneficial, they immediately investigate negative feedback is soon as a customer leaves it for you and they work with eBay to remove negative feedback that is malicious (i.e. your competition buys a product just to leave a negative feedback.) If they determine that the negative feedback was indeed caused by the seller, they attempt work out a resolution with the buyer so that the negative feedback can be removed.

Many Powersellers have been subscribed to SquareTrade for years and they also told me that it pretty much pays for itself right away because when buyers see the SquareTrade logo on the listing that the seller is making every attempt to make sure that their customers are fully satisfied. Check out SquareTrade:


Next, I believe, as do all the Powersellers that I spoke with, that you should always offer a powerful guarantee. I, for one, offer a 180-day, no-hassle, satisfaction, money-back guarantee on any information product that I wrote and at least a 30-day guarantee on everything else. One thing that I do not do is offer a "100% Money Back" guarantee although if a customer asks for all of their money back, I give them exactly what they ask for. What I do is always send them an email telling them that they will get to keep the product since there is no way me to make sure that they don't use it. Most of the time they ask for 25-75% of their money back but very rarely do they ask 100% of their money back.

Also, for physical products most Powersellers require that items be returned in their original condition. And they charge a restocking fee for all returned items. But remember that their customer's satisfaction always supersedes these policies. Just keep this in mind: your feedback rating is your best advertisement but can also be your largest downfall. Never let your emotions get in the way and always make 200% sure that your customer walks away happy... even if you have to bribe them with extra gifts.


While you don't need your own website from the very beginning, every Powerseller I spoke with has their own website. Why? One, they do not want to be at the mercy of eBay. Certainly, eBay doesn't make it a goal of theirs to hurt businesses that sell on eBay but on occasion they do. For example, a few years ago, many people realized the power of selling their cars on eBay. At that time, it cost around $60-80 to place an ad in the newspaper or AutoTrader but only a couple of dollars to put an ad on eBay.

So, many auto traders started creating businesses where they would sell their cars on eBay. Well, eBay soon realized this new popularity and then created eBay Motors. Now, it costs $40 to list a car and $40 at the close of the sale. This is still a pretty good deal but definitely more risky than it was before. However, Powersellers realize two things: 1) that it is not good to be at the mercy of others and 2) that they can make more money selling through their own web site.

That's why it's very important to set up your own web site as soon as possible. Furthermore, when you have people buying through your own web site, you don't have to pay eBay fees which can save tons of money. Finally, many Powersellers have developed ways to use eBay as a traffic generator rather than really try to make money off eBay. For example, they might have an informational product that they are selling like "The Most Spectacular Fishing Trips In The World" and to promote this product, they sell various fishing items such as lures and rods.

Of course, they want to make a profit off these items but the big money is in the back end product. In this case, one could sell the fishing guide as well as have affiliate tie-ins to companies that selling fishing tours in the areas that were talked about in the guide. On top of that, if you get the customer's email address then you can contact them in the future about new products or services. Even if you cannot set up your own website right away, at the very least, make sure that you get their email address for use in the future.


Powersellers make it as easy as possible for their customers to pay for an item and give them as many options as possible. Many sellers are opposed to accepting credit cards because of the fees that credit card companies charge. This is the most ridiculous belief when it comes to business for several reasons. One, the average credit card purchase is 30% higher than purchases made by cash or check. So, do the math. Do you make more money by offering credit card payments or less? Sure you have to pay 2-3% to the credit card company but you will make 30% more on the sale.

Now, many people then say "Well, why should I accept personal checks or money orders then?" Because, even though credit card payments are the safest way to pay on the Internet, many people believe that they're just not safe. I try to tell people that using their credit card on the Internet is actually safer online than offline as the credit card companies attest but, most of the time, they simply don't believe me. And you know what?

I hate having to go to the bank to deposit a check and wait until it clears but the funny thing is that even though I accept checks and money orders, the winning bidder rarely wants to pay via check or money order. This goes back to the first reason why you should accept credit cards... because people that pay via credit card are willing to pay more usually making them the highest bidder. Finally, when you accept more forms of payments, you'll receive more bids and the interesting thing is that this can often times create a bidding frenzy.


Many sellers are terrified of starting their auctions at $.01 and not having a reserve price. They are afraid that if they do this then the item that they're selling will sell for less than its worth. First of all, an auction is capitalism at it's best. Whoever is willing to pay the most gets the item. Basically, whatever the highest bid ends up being IS what the item is worth.

Of course, if you have read the rest of this article then you'd know that there are many things that you can do to receive higher bids on your auction like adding photos and writing a great description. However, the Powersellers that I spoke with all told me that they begin 99% of their auctions at $.01 with no reserve; the rare exception being extremely expensive items that they have never sold before.

You see, one Powerseller that I interviewed told me about a little experiment that he conducted on several occasions. Basically, what he did was place identical items up for auction which he knew that he normally had sold for $300 (with a starting bid of $9.99) in the past, placed them in the same categories and began and ended them at the exact same times. The only difference between the two auctions was that one auction he began at $.01 and the other he began at $25. In fact, if one searched for the particular item that he was selling, these two auctions would show up right next to each other.

At the end of the auction, the one that began at $.01 had received 63 bids and ended with a winning bid of $343. That's $43 more than he had ever made off a previous sale. The auction that began at $25 ended with only 43 bids and a final price of $287 for a difference of $56! Remember that everything was exactly the same except for the starting bid price.

Why does this happen? It's pretty simple really. First of all, you'll receive bids from a larger number of unique bidders and remember that every time someone is outbid, they receive a notice that they have been outbid. In affect, eBay is promoting your item for you even more.

Second, more bids draw more bidders. Ask yourself this: when you are scrolling through eBay listings, what catches your eye more: an auction with 3-4 bids or an auction with 20. Some people claim that it doesn't make a difference but the numbers prove otherwise. Bids beget more bids.

Finally, people always want to "win!" You know, when you go to Wal-Mart and buy something, they don't say "You Won!" do they? Of course not! But on eBay, you're the "winning bidder!" The more people that you draw into your auction then the more people you will have wanting to win.

Don't be scared! Always start your auction at $.01 and "no reserve." This option always makes more money. But there is one exception to this rule: don't do it when you are just beginning to sell an extremely expensive item that you have to put a lot of your money on the line. For example, when I first started selling sporting tickets on eBay, I really had no idea what I was doing or how to effectively list an item. But once I figured that out, it really didn't matter how much I bought the tickets for because when I listed them at $.01 and no reserve, I made about 18% more per sale!

Special note: if you have no reserve on your auction, always put "no reserve" (minus the quotes) in your auction title or, if you don't have enough space for that, then put "nr" in the title. Do this because many people are opposed to auction with reserves and so they will always search for their keyword plus "no reserve" or "nr" and if your title doesn't have these keywords then they won't see it.

Well, that's it! Armed with these secret eBay strategies, you too should be well on your way to making a very substantial income on eBay. However, should you wish to obtain even more information about how to make money on eBay and the rest of the Internet, please visit our eBay store for some fabulous informational products.

Unleash Life Success Coaching eBay Store

And be sure to check out the extremely powerful A2Z Web Building & Internet Marketing Platinum Package. It's over $1,500 worth of the best web building and Internet marketing books and programs in the world for less than $50. Check out our eBay rating and you will see that people love this package!

Finally, if you missed any of the four parts of this article, you can read the other three at the following addresses:
About the Author:
Discover several extremely powerful web building and internet marketing packages that uncover all of the secrets to making money with eBay, Google AdSense, affiliate programs and much more! We offer a 180-day, no hassle, satisfaction guarantee!
Article Source: - 19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 3
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Tuesday, February 2

19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 2

Ebay_StoreImage by kokogiak via Flickr

19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 2

Author: Ed Brancheau
As if you haven't already heard, millions upon millions of people of people buy and sell on eBay every single day. Some only make a few sales here and there. Others have figured out what it takes to become "Powersellers." Powersellers are the very small minority of eBay sellers that do at least $2,000 per month in sales on eBay and maintain a 99% positive feedback rating. Powersellers are the ones that really know what they're doing and if you really want to be successful on eBay then follow the secrets they revealed to me.

So, what are the secrets, tips and tricks that will cause you to become a Powerseller as well?

Well, I'll be completely honest with you... I may be well on my way but I'm not a Powerseller yet. However, one thing that I know from creating several successful businesses is that if you want to become the best at something, you need to copy those that are already successful, ask them to mentor you and ask questions and take notes. And now I am going to take what they taught me and pass it on to you.

This is part two of a four part article series. You will find links to the other parts of this article series at the end of this article.


Every single Powerseller that I spoke with had a systematic approach to dealing with everything from posting listings to packaging and shipping items. For example, with regards to packaging and shipping, more than a few Powersellers told me that have their computer set up on the far left of a workbench, then down the line to the right was a printer, then their products and then packing materials. They simply work their way down the line from left to right. The same thing goes with orders. Personally, most of the products that I sell are informational so I have my customers place an order and my autoresponder automatically sends them their product. Takes me nothing to do this. Basically, you want to set up a system that does not change and which you could practically do in your sleep.


One of the things that I love to do on eBay is search for things that I know that I want to buy for myself. However, what I do is that I look for the auction listings where the seller doesn't really know what they are doing. A lot of sellers use the bad photos and post them in their listings. A bad photo can cost you bidders. Few bidders = less money. So, make sure that your photos look good and effectively represent your product and ask yourself if the photo would make you want to buy the product. If you don't know anything about taking photos, ask a family member of friend to help you out.

Also, check out your competition and see how the sellers with the highest bids take their photos. Many Powersellers that I spoke to said that the best backdrop that they use for their photos is a light blue backdrop because it catches the buyer's attention as they are browsing eBay without being distracting or repulsive. And be sure that the photo is well cropped. This is one of the biggest mistakes that sellers make for two reasons: 1) the buyer cannot easily see the product when they're browsing because the photo is all "dead space" and 2) larger photos (large file size) take much longer to download. This is why it's critical to use an image optimizer, use as few photos as possible and make them as small as possible while still forwarding your listing. Remember that most Internet users still use slow connections (although you should not worry about this if you are selling items to buyers that you are relatively sure have fast Internet connections like high-tech computer items or plasma screen TVs.)


It takes just as much time to post a listing for one item as it does to post a listing for 10,000 items. In fact, it takes much less time. For example, you could go to an auction and find one item to sell or you could take the same amount of time to find a product that you could sell a thousand times. A few years ago, I made really good money on eBay selling sporting tickets but they were a pain is the ass to post. Date. Location. Section number. Row number. Hell, some people even asked for seat numbers. It was ridiculous! Dutch auctions are the perfect solution to this problem because eBay will allow you to sell up to 10,000 items per auction listing (this also works for Fixed Price listings).

Dutch auctions also help with your "assembly line." Think about it. Is it easier to package 100 items that are exactly the same size and weight or 100 items that are all different sizes and weights? Now, you might be thinking "We'll then, all of my auctions are going to be Dutch auctions!" Not so fast! There are drawbacks to Dutch auctions. First, eBay listings fees are calculated as the sum total of all the items be sold in the listing. For example, let say that you are selling 1,000 $1 items. Then eBay will say that your listing has a $1,000 value and the original listing fee will reflect this value even if you only sell one item (although they only charge up to $4.20 per listing so there is not a ton of risk.)

Even more importantly though, in Dutch auctions, the final sales price is determined by the bid of the lowest winning bidder. For example, let's say that you have ten items with winning bidders. The highest bidder bids $50 and the lowest bidder only bids $25. In this case, every winning bidder will receive the item for $25. So, as you can see, you need to be very careful when using Dutch auctions as you need to know the balance of supply and demand. For more information, be sure to check out eBay by going to the site below!


Once you decide on which products you want to sell large quantities of, it's best to bulk list them with auction management software. Auction management software makes it extremely easily to list your auctions at the right time so that you make the most money. They also make it simple to copy listings, make changes and manage everything including payments and feedback. They are an incredible timesaver and extraordinary powerful because they allow you to list your auctions at your leisure and schedule them to be posted on the day and at the time of your choice. Of course, the professional versions of these programs cost money but almost all of them have free versions that you should start with.





Every Powerseller I interviewed said that this is the most critical aspect of any auction listing. Why? Because the buyer must first be able to even come across your listing. Powersellers use titles with keywords and no fat. Many sellers don't understand that while it is important for the title to be catchy, it is more important to be seen in the first place.

How do you get seen? Well, 93% of all eBay purchases begin with the buyer searching for a particular keyword in the title and the more specific you can be the better. For example, the most searched keyword on eBay as of this writing is "Xbox" and the second is "Xbox 360". So if you are selling an Xbox 360 then include "Xbox 360" in the title. This way, everyone that searches for "Xbox" or "Xbox 360" will find your listing. If you only had "Xbox" in your title, then people searching for "Xbox 360" would not even find your listing.

Furthermore, include as many valid keywords in the title as you can like "Brand New Xbox 360 Premium Sports Package Video Game System". Use words that sell like "rare," "antique," "popular," and "free" but use them sparingly. It is more important to have keywords in your listing. And resist the temptation to use words like "L@@K", "WOW" and "MUST SEE" because they waste valuable title space. Instead, be "search engine savvy" and realize that keywords in the headline are found by the eBay search engine. As of this writing, over 59,000 listings included "L@@K" in their titles and, while I didn't check them all, those that I did check were selling for about 10% less than their competition.


Let me ask you a question. Without reading a description and the items being identical, would you buy the item with the longer description or the shorter description? Of course you're going to buy the one with the longer description because sellers that go into more detail are believed to be more honest. Therefore, you want to make sure that you give a detailed and accurate description that answers just about every conceivable question that a buyer could ask. Also, be sure to ask yourself (or better yet, ask someone else) whether you would bid on the item after reading the description.

It's also critically important to have a description that acts more as a sales page when you have a product that people might not specifically be looking for. When a person is looking for a particular product like a video game then they will generally enter the particular video game into the search engine such as "Madden football". For these items, you don't really have to "sell" the product because people already want it. In this case, you simply have to describe the product... "for Sony Playstation" and "brand new".

For other products, you have to be more descriptive such as "beautiful Icelandic helmet" and for informational products such as books and programs, you need to create more of a sales page as the buyer might only be looking for "how to make money on eBay". In this case, you need to sell the person on the benefits of your product over your competition. If writing sales letters intimidates you, I suggest that you buy a book or creating sales letters or hire a copywriter. Personally, I use a wonderful program the Marlon Sanders created called Push Button Sales Letters. This program takes you step by step through creating powerful sales letters in no time. Check it out!

Marlon Sanders Push Button Sales Letters:

Finally, always have a "call to action". A "call to action" is a simple statement in the auction telling the buyer what you actually want them to do like "place a bid now!" You might be thinking that the buyer already knows what to do and that's true. But just because someone knows what to do doesn't mean that they will do it. People in the United States now know more than ever that they should eat healthy but obesity is at an all-time high. Having a simple "call to action" can increase bids by 40% or more.

Well, that's it! Armed with these secret eBay strategies, you too should be well on your way to making a very substantial income on eBay. However, should you wish to obtain even more information about how to make money on eBay and the rest of the Internet, please visit our eBay store for some fabulous informational products.

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Finally, if you missed any of the four parts of this article, you can read the other three at the following addresses:
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Discover several extremely powerful web building and internet marketing packages that uncover all of the secrets to making money with eBay, Google AdSense, affiliate programs and much more! We offer a 180-day, no hassle, satisfaction guarantee!
Article Source: - 19 Secret Strategies of eBay Powersellers, Part 2
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